
We are a collective open to musicians and to society as a whole. Feel free to get to know us and join our mission and dreams.

The best artistic, technical, and creative team actively participates in our productions, but everyone is welcome to participate in them or simply to make intellectual or practical contributions that help us all advance in our idea of conquering the world through neomusic.

  • Image ofIván Carmona Iván

    With an entrepreneurial spirit, Iván Carmona embodies passion, dedication, and talent in SUAKAI. As a cellist and composer, he is responsible for creating and performing the soundtracks for the productions and shows.

  • Image ofClaudia Osés Claudia

    With a creative and alert mind, Claudia Osés is the soul, the perseverance, and the guiding light of Suakai. A violinist and artistic director, she stands out for her versatility and extensive career in genres such as flamenco, classical music, rock, Arabic music, and folk.

Five principles

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    Music is our center, the core of our universe. We defend its essence and seek to dignify it no matter the cost. We honor the music that has brought us here by looking to the future to keep it alive.

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    Leave a

    We take the musical experience to a new level. We stir emotions and shake the present to leave a mark in the memory of each individual. May each SUAKAI experience be different from the last and remain engraved forever.

    Discover Música en Cada Rincón

    Discover Burbuja de Calma

    Discover el espectáculo 360º

    See more
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    Music is an art, but in the face of inequality and disillusionment, it also becomes a transformative element to generate an unlimited impact on society, a flag to wave under the motto Music CAN change the world.

    Discover Reflejos Universal

    Discover Libres Para Soñar

    Discover Música en Cada Rincón

    See more
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    Such obvious values, yes, but taken to the extreme. Our starting point and the hallmark of our work. Developed through cross-cutting methods in a new way of creating art and culture.

    We take care of the hands that create art and ensure the interpretative and technical quality of our entire team, so that each note has the ability to move and touch whoever hears it.

    We seek to reduce the high energy consumption associated with large-scale productions and the environmental impact of developing an international tour. We do this by reformulating traditional methodologies, decentralizing cultural offerings, and reducing our ecological footprint.

    Each production incorporates the latest techniques and trends of the moment, researching and establishing alliances when necessary with pioneering agents in the sector.

    See more
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    We are an independent movement with no creative boundaries. All ideas are welcome, especially if they have never been done before and involve surpassing any established perimeter, in virtue of the love and respect we hold for music.

    Discover Focus

    Discover our mad project with Sisnet

    Discover the Boat Concert

    See more

Meet those of us who make up this collective. But above all, if you feel the urge to be part of it, don’t hesitate and join us.

Join Become a patron

the Collective

  • Adelina López
  • Adrián Méndez
  • Ainhoa Martínez
  • Ainhoa Portu
  • Aitor Urkiza
  • Alberto Martín
  • Alejandro Martínez
  • Amaia Osés
  • ANA – Asociación Navarra de Autismo
  • Ana María Ruiz
  • Ananda Diaz
  • Ander Carmona
  • Ángel Pérez
  • Ani Urretavizcaya
  • Antonia Hernández
  • Arena Comunicación
  • Austral Music
  • Carlos Solano
  • Carmen Larraz
  • CEE Isterria
  • Célida Borrego
  • Cheli Ayesa
  • Claudia Osés
  • CP Vázquez de Mella
  • CPEE Andrés Muñoz
  • Cruz Noguera
  • Dani Artetxe
  • Dani Olaz
  • Daniel Celaya
  • Daniel Ganzúas
  • Daniel Mayordomo
  • Daniel Peralta
  • Danny Camacho
  • Diana Escriche
  • Dmitri Danilov
  • Ecequiel Barricart
  • Eglis Ochoa
  • Egoitz Zabalegui
  • Eider Caro
  • Elkom Sonido & Iluminación
  • Eric Deza
  • Ernesto Modrego
  • Favour Wilson
  • Felisa Oteiza
  • Fermín García
  • Francisca Menacho
  • Fundación ATENA
  • Gaiteros Ezpelur
  • Gorka Pastor
  • Harkaitz Martínez de San Vicente
  • Héctor Urdin
  • Hutsun Txalaparta Taldea
  • Idoia Calvo
  • Igor Arostegui
  • Igor Tellechea
  • Ilazki Martirena
  • Iñaki Diéguez
  • Iñaki Modrego
  • Iñaki Rodríguez
  • Inar Osés
  • Iñigo Goldaracena
  • Iñigo Pérez
  • Iván Carmona
  • Javi Caro
  • Javier Peralta
  • Javier Pozueta
  • Javier Rodríguez
  • Joseba San Sebastian
  • Josu Erviti
  • Juan Emme
  • Judit Astigarraga
  • Laura Marañón
  • Lorena Baines
  • Luciano Varela
  • Luís Carmona
  • Maddi Arana
  • Maite Carmona
  • Mara Caro
  • Miguel Arregui
  • Miguel García
  • Miguel Méndez
  • Mikel Ugarte
  • Naiara Ruz
  • Navatres
  • Nicolás Basterrechea
  • ONCE
  • Oreka TX
  • Raquel López
  • Residencia El Vergel
  • Residencia La Vaguada
  • Residencia San Jerónimo
  • Rodamos Films
  • Sara Modrego
  • Selva Barón
  • Sergio Vidaurre
  • Shanti Diaz
  • Silvia Ongay
  • Sisnet
  • Soren Osés
  • Susana López
  • Suyapa Pérez
  • Telmo Ibarburu
  • The Lumen Box
  • Tomás Diaz
  • Txaro Hernández
  • Txus López
  • Uxua Modrego
  • Xabier Maritxalar
  • Xabitxu Pérez
  • Yeray Carmona
  • Yorrick Troman
  • YouMedia